Dear users, colleagues, partners and security experts!
We are happy to announce the end of the certification tests for the Virtualization management System ROSA VIRTUALIZATION, our main product aimed at the secure environment deployment.
The tests results were verified by the FSTEC certificate # 3932, issued 5.04.2018 and valid till 5.04.2021.
At the present day, our product ROSA VIRTUALIZATION is the only virtualization platform in Russia with support for embedded information security products. ROSA Virtualization is designed to create high-performance highly available virtual environment systems with support for VDI, segmented data centers and much more, all for your business needs.
We can proudly state that our product is compliant with number of technical security requirements in accordance with the directive 17and/or 21 of the FSTEC Russia. In particular:
- Identification and authentication
- Access control
- Security events logging
- Virtual environment protection
…and some others requirements. For example, this platform is the only one realization of the control mechanisms of the virtual machines integrity in the virtualization environment in Russia.
Now, with the certificates received, our virtualization platform can be used for building automatized systems and federal information systems up to and including first class.